We're back for block 5 in the Riley Blake Designs Block Challenge! I love this one so much. It features several different half square triangles- which was one of my original inspirations to quilting!

My husband's aunt gave me a stack of quilting magazines after expressing an interest in quilting. The first article I read detailed how to make a perfect half square triangle. From there, I purchased this genius little tool to mark the lines and I created my first quilt! I won't lie..it was a mess, but the kids still love it. Fast forward a few years...HST are still my favorite block to put together. They are so simple yet a simple turn or variating fabric creates complex looking designs!
This Sundial Block, created by The Tattooed Quilter is absolutely beautiful! You can find this block, along with the fabric requirements on Riley Blake Design's Blog by clicking here.

I spend a lot of time 'auditioning' fabric for these blocks. I can never really tell what it will look like until it's all sewn together and pressed. There is often fussy cutting involved. For example, I had to sew another set of HST with the stripes and green so the stripes would directionally look cohesive with the block. I suppose if I had picked a non-directional fabric, this wouldn't have mattered! But I love the way this turned out.