Thank you for purchasing a Hand-Embroidered Swaddle or Baby Bib Kit! If you’re wondering how to get started…you’ve come to the right place!
Below is a collection of resources and videos that can help you on your journey. First, you'll find the Baby Bib Embroidery Tutorial. Next, you'll see the Swaddle Kit tutorials and you can choose from either the Backstitch Tutorial (Beginner Friendly) or the Chain Stitch Tutorial (a little more complex). If you still need help, the last resource is a compilation of FAQs that I receive the most. Keep scrolling down for reordering links, free PDF downloads, and more! As always... reach out to me if you need help!
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Check back in my shop! I have swaddle kit add-on items available such as swaddle blankets or individual pieces of personalized stabilizer.
Check back soon, too! I plan to have more embroidery kits available.